Thursday, April 16, 2015

Re-runs and Leftovers

My 25 cent petunias from the bargain bin at Lowe's last week:
Petunias after the rain

Today's Project: Sewing

Sewing is gratifying, compared to most of my hobbies. Spend an hour cross-stitching and you aren't even sure you did anything. An hour knitting, you might see and inch or so progress on your sock. An hour sewing? Half a blanket done! Another hour? Blanket! Bam!

So I decided to continue on with the cashmere blanket until it is done, hence you will have reruns for a few days. This morning I got all of the squares and rectangles assembled and it is as big as it is going to be. It's still a little too long, or not wide enough, but that's what you get when you don't plan ahead.

One more day on this, and I will have a finished object. I have to add a little edging and sew up a few holes that didn't get caught in the serger.  Also, I'm left with this much cashmere:
The Leftovers

I'll need to decide if i want to stitch these up for doll blankets or just let them go. Either way, it is time for my love affair with cashmere sweater recycling to be over.

Do you know what a serger is? I am a totally self-taught sewer, and I never even heard of one until I was in my late 20s. This fabulous machine sews the layers of fabric together, trims off the raw edge, and binds it all neatly up so there is no fraying. GENIUS.

Mine is an el cheapo from Hancock Fabrics, I think. I've had it for several years. If I ever get serious about sewing I might buy a better one, but this one suffices.

Podcast du Jour

  • Once again, reruns: it's Caithness Craft Collective. I'd fallen a little behind on these; one more episode and I'll be all caught up.

Knitting Corner

I've pulled out an old project that needs finished up soon. I told you yesterday about my re-enacting group. I volunteered to make uniform bonnets for all the guys. This is a long-term project, as I'm doing it out of the goodness of my heart. I finish one or two a year. The guys all have bonnets, but these are upgrades as they are "properly" made, as in knitted large then felted down to size. The one on my needles is nearly done with the knitting, huzzah! I hope to make great strides today and tomorrow on this one.
Finished bonnet

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